I have 2 questions: I have BIAB 2011 on my (C:) hard drive & I just received the 2012 Version.

1: can I un-install 2011 and then install 2012 onto my (C:) hard drive? I have a 2TB hard drive so, size is irrelevant.

2. I also have Amplitube 3.7 installed (the bought and paid for version). When I do the install of 2012...do I not install the free version (during the 2012 install process) and then somehow get BIAB/RealBand to recognize my version of Aplitube 3.7. I really have no use for the free/trial version again as I already have Amplitube 3.7 and Amplitube Fender and xGear.

Any comments would be appreciated!
