
If you make your realdrum file available to the world, I'll find a way to use it.

Kemmrich, if you want, just send me a PM (or even better, an email), and I will send you the files.


What do you mean when you say you "made a realdrum completely from scratch" ?
I'm intrigued.

I've made several "custom" realdrums for my own use, just using loops or even parts of commercial songs where drums were isolated. This is easy, but you don't have any control over the grooves or sound, and it's nearly impossible making different variants, fills, etc. Programming the drums from scratch is another completely different story, you can do exactly what you want to do, but trying to emulate the subtle nuances that makes a drummer's performance "alive" is a quite time consuming process. As a bassist, I learn (and enjoy) a lot programming "live" drums, and making "blind tests" of these tracks with fellow musicians.

Last edited by Cerio; 12/17/11 06:34 AM.