Personally, I prefer external solutions. The Ketron SD2 has a great reputation but I've not heard it.

I have a number of synthesizer modules and keyboards that I've collected through the years including, Yamaha TX81z, Roland MT-32, Roland SC-55, Korg DDD5, Korg DS8, Korg i3, Edirol SD90, Yamaha VL70m and a couple of hardware samplers.

The nice thing about hardware synth modules, is that as long as you can put MIDI out of yoru computer, the modules will never become orphaned by a new operating system, you can mix and match sounds from them taking the best from each (zero latency for all practical purposes), they don't tax your computer's CPU, and never seem to break down or crash.

The TX81z, DS8, and MT32 that I purchased back in the 80s have some very dated sounds in them, but they still have some excellent voices that I haven't found a replacement for.

All in all if I had to use only one in my personal array, I'd choose the SD-90 as it is the most versatile and has the most polyphony.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks