Absitively, posolutely, Yes! It is one of the things BIAB shines at.

I dabbled with BIAB for years. Then I began programming in my own music* and playing along. Doing so absolutely transformed my playing in a ridiculously short amount of time. I brought a lot to it, but it brought out things in me that I wasn't sure existed.

There's even a money-back guarantee. I virtually guarantee you won't want to use it. Dive in, become a part of the community, and light up your musical life.

You are correct in that MIDI music depends on what it's played through. In order to realize the best sound you will need a good synth, either hardware or software, both of which are available through PG Music.

By the way, I am not connected the company in any way. I'm just an average user. This is your classic unsolicited testimonial.


*If you don't have that ability, BIAB can create songs for you. There are also a ton of demo tunes.

"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."