
Which ones are over 5 minutes? I just brought up most of their "top tracks" portfolio on Rhapsody and I only see one listed that is over 5 minutes . It is "Hello World" and I don't think it was a radio single. The "Hello World" song sounds pretty good! I had never heard it before -- it is sung by the male singer in the band.


there was a thread on the subject of acceptable song length on this forum about a month back. i listen to lady antebellum a lot on pandora and had noticed several 5+ minute songs but i have already forgotten the titles or albums. my point was: a 4+ minute song need not be its death nell. look at ccr's "hoid it true da grapevine." iirc, the uncut version was over 11 minutes but that was in the days of vinyl and the all night djs would spin that then head for the oothoos so it got an inordinate amount of air play. nab cartridges ended that game then canned (tinned) digital discs drove the final nail in the coffin.

today, the ideal song length is a function of "cyber acoustics" (qv). in other words, when do the listener's ears begin to tire and want to move on. john may argue that beethoven's 5th symphony is 50 minutes long. however, it provides a constant change in acoustic stimuli.

young listeners seem content with trace-like music that is very repetitive. i don't think that's what you are trying to do with your music. so, the question remains: what is the ideal song length?