Here's the song info for "Just We Two"
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Just We Two
File:Just We Two-1.MGU
Key=A , Tempo 110, Length (m:s)=3:31
No intro. 95 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 95. Repeat x1 chorus
Melody has 270 notes, saved patch is Vibes (12)
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with bar changes for Tempo ,
Soloist is saved with the song : Pop 16ths. Crusaders (135)
Style is ELTONPNO.STY (EltonPno - Ev.8 Rock Piano Accom)
Style MIDI Instruments are : Bright Piano (2), Slow Strings (50),
RealTracks in song: ~684:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 694:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120
MIDI Drums :33Jazz Drums (33)

RealDrums will be substituted :CountryEven8

Skyline John,
Thanks for your kind words and advice. You're right about my mixing skills. I'm trying to learn but it really doesn't come naturally. I'm going ask a technical question on the BB User forum about apply EQ and other effects to midi tracks. I can't seem to make that work.
Thanks again and glad you liked it.