

Pat Marr wrote:

I guess if we don't see something by Aug 1st, we can assume there's no mid year release. Late June would have been 6 months from the December release. we're already into the 7th month. An August release would mean only 4 months until the Christmas offering, and that short of an interval starts to undermine the likelihood that people would buy something that will be replaced in 4 months.

This pretty much sums up one thing that I have always wondered about: Why all the secrecy? Why can't we just be told roughly what to expect and when? Doesn't have to be a full list of features that PG intend to implement, but just a hint.

I would certainly like that, because my budget is limited - I guess most people on here are like that - and this year it's particularly limited, so knowing what to expect would make making the right choices that much easier.

If we look at those people who make our beloved (!) OS, they have a publicly available roadmap, that shows you just what to expect and roughly when and that helps us in the IT business make better decisions. Sure they sometimes miss the mark and sometimes they even miss the entire ballpark, but you have an idea anyway.

Just my thoughts!


In my opinion, secrecy is all prt of the marketing, if you were told too much in advance maybe you would decide not to buy until December.

Secrecy is all part of a big build up so that when it hits the download stage, your adrenlin is flowing, your heart is beating faster, your forehead breaks out into a cold sweat as you reach for your credit card, I must must get it now!

Too much talk in advance will destroy all that.

Since a lot of us are a buch of old foggies on here has anyone decided they want to be buried with their band in a box drive to use in the afterlife,
after all the Pharaoh's did it.



My music https://www.youtube.com/user/donegalprideofall

Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile