Now that we have:
1) audio loops and
2) people asking for more MIDI features

how about providing a way to take a snippet of MIDI, declare it to be a loop, then replicate the pattern across a set # of bars? I know you can already do something similar with cut and paste, but looping would be different in the following ways:

1) the snippet would follow the chords
2) timing would adapt to the song's tempo and automatically fit to each measure without artifacts

it would be particularly useful if the pattern could be visually "painted" into the track (or, in keeping with the way realtracks work, maybe they could be applied to a highlighted portion of a track)

For people who are intimidated by the task of creating styles, this would be similar to playing a pattern into the stylemaker, except that it would go directly to a track, where it could be reapplied according to the rules that make MIDI styles work the way they do.

This would be easier than creating a whole style just to get a pattern that is only useful in one song.

But, if the pattern is generic enough for use in other projects, It would be particularly cool if such MIDI loops could be saved to a folder for future use in other songs (much like the audio "hilite and save as" )