a note to those who just want me to shut up and sit down:

This topic is bigger than we are. It will never be concluded, it will always be in our face all the days of our lives. We have a few options, we aren't totally powerless.

we can talk, we can fight, or we can go underground and become more extreme in our thinking until we cease being a cohesive society and we become disjointed factions, the very epitome of WE vs THEY

I prefer open communication, as it is the only option that addresses differences in a constructive way.

I am always ready to talk, and I will never be willing to shut up, sit down or go away. This is far too important to do that. If you truly want to de-polarize and eliminate the WE-THEY mentality and combat division before it becomes rooted in mutual enmity, then disussion is the only way. Anyone who says he wants peace but not open discussion is either naive or unaware of the mechanics of peace.