Thanks, to the folks who recently commented on the song - Mario, PGFantastic, Sapcedog and Dcuny. Your comments are greatly appreciated.

Not to beat a dead horse, but I did some recording last night and today and the final FINAL version is up at the original link. I added a few bars, recorded an electric guitar riff using my strat, re-recorded my vox and added live harmony vox. Well, I guess it is a pretty much a complete overhaul! For now, I'm satisfied with it and ready to move onto other things...

As a matter of fact, I now have a new challenge to consider. While visiting my daughter, her hubby and my grandson yesterday, my daughter said she wanted me to consider recording some children's songs (new and/or originals) to put on a CS to give to my grandson for his upcoming birthday (he turns 2 in mid=September). She pointed out that he likes music and it would be something he could keep for a long, long time...(not that I needed another excuse to play and record).

I think it is a terrific idea and believe I even saw some 'Children's Styles' while recently perusing the BIB Style library. Could probably find some cool animal sound effects and other stuff to throw into the effort too...This should be fun!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Living in The Music City