Thanks guys,

Do they have a 1-800 number or something?

Okay I have decided to do a test. I will download the $149 version after super, install it, try to figure out within the hour how to get a basic Gma7 chord track out (anything - it does not matter - the simpler and faster the better), then I put my headsets on to hear the track and feed my guitar amp to the Microphone I already have set up which records to Audacity and if I can figure out how to get it to record then figure out how to play back the Gma7 track and my recording then it is a keeper. It is real simple, if it will do this I am pretty sure it will do everything else. So if someone can point me to a real simple tutorial that can get me up and running within an hour to do this test it would be really appreciated.

If this fails then I will return it so I also need to know how to return it before I do the download. Do I email them?

Thanks again,

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: