
Try the following and see if it helps. Before you do it, though, turn off User Account Control (UAC) under Control Panel. UAC can be re-engaged once you've finished the process.

Please note that the below process was performed on Vista but I'd imagine that it's very similar on Win 7.

1. Have your USB drive plugged in and operational.

2. Navigate to a folder containing a BIAB file. SGU and MGU will need to be treated separately. Just pick one of them to begin with. (I chose a file with an MGU extension for this example.)

3. Right click on the file and select "Properties".

4. Now click on the "Change" button.

5. Irrespective of what it says under the "Recommended Programs" heading, click on the "Browse" button at the bottom of the pop-up window.

6. Now navigate to the BBW.EXE file on your USB drive. Select that file by left-clicking. Now "OK" your way through the menus to exit the process.

7. Repeat the process for the SGU file-type (assuming you started with MGU like I did).

8. Now re-activate UAC.

One potential issue that may arise is that because you are associating a file with a program that's on a removable drive, it's possible that the drive could be assigned a different letter each time it's plugged in. Should a different drive letter be assigned to the USB drive, then the file association will not find the BBW.EXE program. (This could happen is, say, a USB stick (or thumb-drive) is plugged into a USB port before the USB drive containing BIAB.)

BIAB files open fine for me when I double-click. I've just found myself wondering if it's tied up with "Open multiple instances of BIAB". Anyway, for reference, the below image shows my "Preference Settings".

Hope this helps,

P.S. Please let me know how it goes. I'm curious to see if it works.

Audiophile BIAB 2024