

(But, no one will ever applaud your performance in the machine shop.)

Pat, I am going to prove you wrong on this one . Today I am going to go into the day job and give one of my co-workers a standing ovation. As you well now its all about attitude and recognizing performace, any performance, which is above and beyond. It does happen even in the machine shops, just takes a keen eye to spot it.

I agree that people in a shop environment get rewarded and recognized for excellence... but I was talking about the standing ovation kind of applause... that's what I miss about performing in front of an audience... the immediate reinforcement of applause

Even when rewards are doled out in a corporate environment, there is such a time lag between the deed being recognized and the official commendation that something is lost.

Imagine trying to train a dog by giving him a treat 6 months after he jumped through the hoop.

Motivation and a sense of accomplishment are inextricably tied to instant reinforcement. IMO, that's a big part of the reason why playing music is so addicting, and why most day jobs are so demoralizing.