Hi Hank,

The WAV setting in the pic above is my setting, I need to convert the .cda files to wav for myself. It should be working for whichever format you choose from the "more options" menu.

I just tried a conversion to MP3 and it worked fine.

I know you can set windows media player to rip automatically when a CD is inserted, but these are the steps I use. Maybe it will help.

1.Open Windows media player.
2.Click the "rip" tab and click "more options"
3.Choose MP3 from the list and click OK.
4.Insert the CD with the .cda file and tick the track you want to rip.
5.Click the "start rip" box that comes up near the bottom right of screen.

That's it! You should be good to go.

Sorry it took a while to reply, I have to do things between students. I hope it works, it'll be late tonight before I can check back.

Last edited by yjoh; 10/17/12 07:48 PM.