Re: Hard Drive Disposal...

Last time I did this I first had my at the time 7 year old son watch me take the cover off the drive - if I recall, I had to drill out some rivets or odd-head screws.

Then I explained how the read/write heads use electricity to leave information on the different discs inside.

Then we proceeded to beat the living daylights out of it with alternating hammer swings from me and from him. To date, he still loves tearing apart spent electronics equipment. There's innards of a busted portable CD player on top of his bookshelf as I type this. Bless his heart! Makes his daddy proud. He's also the old-school jazz fan, but lately has even taken to 80's/90's era Sanborn and Yellowjackets from Dad's olde CD archive. I troll the local Goodwill stores for jazz CDs for him. Latest one I got was from Laura Newman, a local killer sax player whom I've actually met. She has offered to help me pick out a used Tenor at Wedgle's pawn in Denver.
