Got this idea in Bible Study, learning about Joshua's right-hand man, Caleb, leading his people to their apportioned land, populated with the Anakim (giants).

Verse Style: ^KNEELIN_
Chorus Style: *L_RIO
RT's: Rhythm Guitar in Chorus, E Piano in solo area
RD: LaPop Jazz Relaxed, Bossa Terry (Chorus)

Maybe others have had this composing problem...I liked the melody line, chorus, chords, etc, but when trying to lay in lyrics to tell the story, there just aren't enough notes/phrases in the verse section to paint a complete picture. It could have used a longer melodic structure in the verse in order to tell a complete story for someone who isn't familiar with it, but after a couple of "surgeries" to try to insert some new lines/different melodies, I decided that liked what I originally had too much to change it, so I opted for kind of cryptic story-telling, figuring that it would make sense to anyone who knows the basic details.
Interested in comments on this dilemma.