Run any of the installers. There is ReadMe that describes them. You can either install

1. - just the fonts (minimal <1MB)
2. - Fonts + theProgram (no RealTracks, no RealDrums) (about 5GB)
3. - Everything (Fonts + theProgram + RealTracks + RealDrums) (about 60GB)

Options #3 is best, because you could put the USB drive away then. But you need to have 60GB free.
If you don't have 60GB free, chooise option #2. Then you run the programs from your hard drive (c:\bb\bbw.exe and c:\realband\realband.exe). If you do this, you need to point BB to your RealTracks Prefs-RealTracks and your RealDrums folder: Prefs-RealDrums. If your USB drive is e:\ then these folders would be e:\bb\realtracks and e:\bb\drums

Have Fun!
Peter Gannon
PG Music Inc.