
Per your statement "With respect, I did not say it crashes UPON opening it, I said it crashes each time I open it." does not elaborate on what attempted function or action initiated the crash. And when you state "crash", did you happen to browse error/event log in Windows? While it appears Kent will be sending you a replacement drive, other possibilities could be a bad USB cable, port, etc, which have been demonstrated to cause external hard drive errors/failures (I don't believe you mentioned any of those actions). With the various states you mentioned, such as having associated BBW files, then not on subsequent installs, I would suspect a hard drive or hard drive interface issue.

Running the ASIO driver with multiple apps certainly may work under various conditions on different platforms, but the ASIO specification does not guarantee it.

Problem reports with corresponding events events can be difficult to convey...however, several people did attempt to assist you.

Good Luck,

Rich... thanks for the input. This is not my (nor Kents) first Rodeo. Much more has been gone through / troubleshot than this thread which, in and of itself is extensive enough. I did not even originally post because of a defective disk although I did have 3 failed install attempts last night when I received the disc and errors throughout the install (some are posted on the thread during REINSTALL today).

It is clear the disc is corrupt based on our additional trouble shooting which I will not go into detail as it is extensive. Feel free to call Kent. Ill post some info here for other users.

Also...lets be very clear, I mentioned I was not running multiple apps... only BIAB with ASIO and with a very robust system that I know well and is known to be stable. This isn't a 'hard drive / interface' issue. I am a conscious and aware user of my system/equipment.

As for 'what' crashes Real Band it can be anything (see the CPU meter I posted) It could be after 30 seconds of play, it could be when trying to change styles, opening a new song etc. It runs my CPU up to 100%. 'Crash' may be misleading. It FREEZES and then Windows shuts the program off.

As for the files showing up and then not...that is incomplete. BIAB failed to install the first 3 times, each of those times with error messages (documented with Kent). The 4th time it did install but with many missing files as documented in this thread. I didn't know Real Band was corrupt without fonts and with crashes until Peter suggested I try it. I honestly did not even know it was a different program or exactly what it was. I bought BIAB as far as I knew. When the latest install happened, the fonts appeared but more files were missing.
BTW, error messages occur with a DIRECT copy and paste form the disc. This is only possible with a corrupt disc with missing files.

Even if I can get all of the missing files from PG or recovered from the disc, I have a defective disc / program installer and a corrupt drive that will not run BIAB on its own as intended (despite my intention to run it from my computer). I paid full price for a HD and I do want a fully functioning one. I have been at this (with a new unit) for nearly 20 hours...If you want to offer Kent or PG music your guidance on how they should further trouble shoot this, I am sure they welcome your input. As for now, I welcome a working unit and I am done with this.
