
It always generates a bit of cognitive dissonance when I hear Christian music that sounds like Black Sabbath, but I accept the idea that music is bigger than the perimeters of my opinions.

I think you did a pretty good job with this song. The tracks were assembled pretty well and the music flowed as expected. I especially liked the intro.. it was a "wall of sound" that caught my interest right away.

In my opinion contemporary christian songs overuse a handful of chord progressions, and this is one of them. But, it seems to be part of the genre, so it works as expected.

Regarding the high notes: holy moly, I can't imagine singing that high unless my fingernails were being trimmed by a radial arm saw!

Regarding the video:
all in all pretty good. What software did you use?

But, having said all that: a pretty good song!

Last edited by Pat Marr; 12/10/12 01:57 PM.