I think we (and PG) should definitely care about it especially in this fast paced technological world we live in.

An easier interface saves us time and frustration.
New forum members expand our musical production knowledge base regardless of the style as they share their tips and workflow.

Wouldn't it be great if the only need for this forum was to share tips and the new songs we've produced with BIAB/RB?
No more (or at least fewer)frustrated rants by newbies on how to turn on ASIO or not use it at all.
We've all been there.

I love PG's products and want to see them get the recognition they deserve which in turn will hopefully make new songs we produce with them accepted by more professional venues.

Sort of reminds me of what happened to the British during our Revolutionary War and War of 1812 as they stubbornly marched forward in long traditional battle lines, old school, while the young,upstart Colonials used quick, new, hit and run techniques to decimate their ranks.
No offense meant to our cousins across the pond by the way.

In fact did you know that there was a British version of Johnny Horton's "Battle of New Orleans".
Talk about CYA.!
You can find it on youtube.
