Are there any things you do to "humanize" your generated Tracks ? Sometimes the tracks generated by BB/RB sound a little 'mechanic' - not that they're not the best on the market, and of course PG is always working on things that make their generated tracks sound more realistic (latest being RealTracks, of course).

But in reading David's post about getting realistic horn sounds (and I love the doctor'ed up sound he got with all that tweaking), I couldn't help but think could some of the things he had to do manually be built into the BB/RB program ? or are they musical decisions that should not be built in - or could the additions be 'automated' into an Excel-like macro that could be more easily applied, say David wanted to do something very similar again (or, give me the capability to more easily do so : )

Finally - wondering if there's a comprehensive list of "Top things to do to 'humanize' your BB/RB compositions". I know I've seen the topic come and go in various posts.