Do you want to record the midi, audio, or both?

Is the keyboard a Casio (the WK model number indicates it could be)? As I recall, the Casio keyboards don't have more than a left/right (or Channel 1/Channel 2) audio out.

Depending on the keyboard, you would need 8 assignable mono audio outputs (one for each track preferred to eliminate channel cross-talk in stereo), or 4 assignable stereo audio outputs (panning hard left and right for each track) . For example, my Yamaha Motif (Classic and ES rack Motif) have 4 assignable outputs (more with optional plug-in boards). So that is the limit for assigned output in my case. You'll also need an audio interface between the keyboard and your PC (and your DAW, in this case Realband) that can handle the number of channels (Presonus, MOTU,and others have unit with this channel capacity).

If your keyboard does not have the required number of assignable outputs, or only has the monitor output/stereo output, than you can mute all but one or two output voices (tracks/channels) on the keyboard (and pan hard left and right as in the case of stereo on the keyboard), and record one or two voices each pass. This is doable as a work-around. You just need to put the keyboard Local Control Off mode and let Realband trigger (start the playback) if you've already recorded the performance on the keyboard, or if playing it realtime, use the keyboard to trigger the recording in Realband). Just make sure you have at least one empty bar (all rests) to allow for initial delay (if any) on the keyboard or Realband.

Another possibility is if your keyboard as an optical output, then you can connect it to a compatible optioal in (e.g., Presonus AudioBox 1818VSL, that accomodates 8 channels via Optical Input.

If you are playig the performance yourself, you might consider recording the MIDI out from the keyboard as well, just in case you want to capture the notation and/or fix/modify one thing or another.

In my case, I can capture 6 audio tracks simultaneously from my Motif units (due to the keyboard audio out limit) and up to 10 channels on my audio inteface (Presonus firewire).
