Two days ago on Jan 25, 2013 my son and his friend were crossing Bangs lake in Waucanda illinois at 10:30 pm on two ATVs when in the middle, a half mile from shore, the ice below them gave way. My son Jon, was totally engulfed in the icy water using only the floating tires of the ATV to keep from going under. His friend Tom, about 30 feet away, found himself on a shelf of ice which broke free and dropped about 3 feet into the water. He was able to escape to solid surface with his cell phone still working. His call to 911 brought the local fire rescue team. Within 12 minutes of being in the water, unable to climb out, a rescue fireman was in at this side getting a rope around his arms and he was pulled out. The rescue team pulled my son back to the ambulance over the 1/2 mile of ice.

I just returned from the firehouse. Jon and Tom, Jon's wife Amber and my wife Carol and I brought donuts and pizza to the firehouse and we spent a half hour with the whole firehouse team recounting the ordeal.

These fireman saved my sons life that night. I know we have fireman here, and I know you know a fire and rescue professional, so please accept and pass along my thankyou to them. These guys do save lives.
