Ceilidh #19 now streaming. All comments, requests & dedications more than welcome.

Vincent Carenzie
Harry MacFadyen
Seamus McGlone
Gary McEvoy
Mike Gill
The Johnson family
Cameron McKichan & Archie McTaggart
Tina Turner
Bram Taylor
The Locomotions
Cal Scott
Jimmy Osborne
Hugh Morrison
Theresa Rodgers
Basil Hendrix

John Crawford
Steven Spence
The Flower of Scotland cb
Bryan Gear
Marcel Azzola
Harriet Bartlett
Jim McKillop
Jorgan Sumdqvist
Jimmy Shand
Ian Hardie
Fraser McGlynn
David Kaemar
Richard Smith
Brian Laurie accordion showband
Ian Powrie
Mel McLaren
David Cunningham sdb

Go on, be a devil, have a listen !!