Thanks for the responses. You've both echoed my own thoughts.

However, I was hoping someone would say, "Oh, finding what you want is easy, here's what I do... "

I'm sure the OP and myself are not the first users who have run up against the frustration of having a song idea (original material as well as covers) where we know how we want the song to sound, but can't find that particular item.

My main purpose for Band in a Box is as a songwriting tool and there is a vast amount of really great material to work with in this program. What I'm essentially trying to do at this point is "set up my workshop."

I'm wanting to organize all the tools (on paper, in the program, or in my head) so that when I need a hammer I'm not sorting through a pile of tools in the middle of the floor. (The StylePicker is okay... but many of the descriptions are vague and somewhat cumbersome.)

So, I'm looking for tips on how you organized your own tools. Anybody have any clever tips they care to pass on?