Originally Posted By: ROG
Still making the news here in the UK, Don.

In fact it's taking up most of the news!

The film footage is absolutely incredible. It showed a family emerging from their shelter to find that the neighborhood has been flattened for as far as you could see. I really hope you manage to keep out of the way of these things.

Oh, by the way, Don, we call them batteries as well these days. Really don't want the piles again.


At present, it's raining in sheets and the thunder is one continuous roar. The lightning flashes are like several police cruisers parked just outside my window with their strobes flashing. They are preparing us for another long and noisy night.

Re: Piles v: Batteries, dang you bloody conformists! That was how I could ascertain the country of origin of the commenter/commentress. Well, back to the drawing board draughtsman's/draughtsperson's board.

Late news: OKC is getting pummeled again. That's three times in two days. The Native Americans say that when tornado season comes late (it normally in April) it's especially violent and fierce.