I was talking with my parents last night about their parents and all the wonders they saw in the 80 years they were here.
1927 thru 2007 .. wow, the changes that occurred.

I hadn't even thought of the medical advances. Glad to hear you are so much better off because of it.

I had started typing about remembering how looong it seemed to take to rewind sometimes to do another take, but thought I would be drifting down that 'negative' mode again so I can relate. I get a certain giggle coming on when I'm ready for another take now and the singer needs a minute to catch his breath and get a drink of water. Much different than when everyone in the studio was waiting for the engineer (usually me) to be ready for the next take.

Rewind, hit play .. nope, back a little more .. oops, now ahead a little .. OK ready to go!
Now I look at a screen and see the chorus I need with nice little markers and I can 'jump' from spot to spot. Record one take after another onto new separate tracks using a loop... with no rewind time .. recording bliss!

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome