A lot of folks don’t realize that there’s numerous ways to use Facebook.

I go the minimalist route. I almost never post a topic. But I occasionally comment on others topics. If one of my friends post too much info or too frequently, I filter them so I only see a what FB considers important topics. After filtering, if a “friend” says they’ve bought new shoes or they talk about what they had for lunch, it won’t appear on my page. But if they say they’re getting married, divorced or that someone has died, that will appear. (Keywords, I guess is what the filter uses).

I mainly use it to stay in touch with family and a few friends. I frequently ignore friend requests. (Just because we’ve met or went to school together doesn’t mean I want to see what you post on FB.)

My average FB time per day is usually 5-10 mins. If I’m having a conversation with someone, it may go up to 30mins.

The musicians I follow frequently have impromptu concerts at towns they’re just passing thru and they post it on FB a few hours in advance, so I keep hoping they’ll pass thru mine and play a show at a local club, coffee house or church and post it on FB before the show. …… (It could happen!) wink

It doesn't have to be the huge time waster that young folks turn it into.

Last edited by bobcflatpicker; 07/09/13 07:26 PM. Reason: wording