I totally agree with your assessment of Norman Blake's voice....it has a lot of "seemingly easy" charm!
Tony Rice , of course, is one ofthe finest in anyone's book........I'm always looking for that bit of Jazzy phrasing!
When I decided to flat pick on acoustic (after a LONG time on electric guitar & banjo!)........I listened to all the pickers I could....some wonderful technically, but I didn't relate to them....other, equally great technicians, who "said something to me!"
My playing progressed....sometimes quickly....sometimes slowly!.......I was adhering to picking..... Down/Up/Down/Up etc.....my son Scott (a pro musician) was listening to me playing one of the flat pickers "standards".....He heard me play it through.....and then go through it again. "Why are you trying to change your picking?" he asked. "I'm trying to follow the correct action in the tutorial" I replied
"But your brain already knew where to go with the pick .....the phrases are similar to what you have often played in other genres....why confuse it!"
Good advice....I had to agree!......My practising over the years, allowed me to play pretty fast....so I just concentrate on "playing the music".... and "putting myself into it!" That's what I try to do now. Regards, Joe G.

Last edited by Joe Gordon; 07/31/13 04:08 AM.