Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
Excellent find and speaking of tips, I would repost this in the Tips and Tricks forum if it's not already there.

Even though I've been using the software for years I didn't know this or maybe I just forgot it, who knows. Most of us are part timers with busy lives doing other things so there's tons of things like this hiding all over the place.

Keep looking and find more cool stuff!


Hi Bob,
First, thanks for mentioning this forum. I didn't know about it. Too fast with my forefinger on the mouse and going directly to the Windows forum smile

Yes, I agree that the re-posting the thread in the T & T forum is a good idea. But the "whole thread" should be moved there, not just my post. I don't know how to do that. Will send a message to a moderator to request the move?

Windows 8, 64 bit, 8 gb ram, 2012.5
Roland FP7, M Audio Fast Track, Audacity, Selmer Ref 54, Shure SM58.