Tom, thanks a bunch for your comments and taking the time to listen to us.

Dani, I'm so sorry to learn about your loss. I'm very moved that my singing of Floyd's song could touch you in that way. Thank you very much,

Pat, Floyd had told us about the first version but we weren't prepared for how removed it was from the lyrics. And Floyd did a tremendous version of this song and all my inspiration for this came from his vocal. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful remarks. It means a lot.

ROG, Floyd's lyrics and melody were so strong that it was easy for me to fall into the story. Thank you so much for noting this.

Josie, thank you! Floyd is a pleasure to work with.

Noel, I can't thank you enough for what you wrote. I have to admit to being apprehensive about stepping so far out of my bluegrass/blues comfort zone. But with Floyd and Bud's encouragement I gave it my best effort. I'm so glad that you liked it. Hey, I'll leave it to you and Floyd to comment on your structural analysis of the tune wink

Bob, thanks for listening and for the kind comment!

Joanne, thank you. Being handed a tune like this helps so much. Without the stellar lyrics/melody I just don't know if I could have sung it from the heart.

Guenter, Floyd can write them, can't he? I appreciate you listening and taking the time to respond. BTW Bud has played your compositions for me and I really enjoy what you do!
