1. UserTracks.

These are like RealTracks. You record a WAV file along to a standard BiaB song (SGU). Put it in a folder (the folder’s name is the name you want for the UserTracks), and then put the folder in the RealTracks\UserTracks folder. You can add multiple sgu/wav songs to the same folder to get more variations.

OK, a few questions for Andrew or (Anybody)

1. When I look into the RT folders under (Guitar, Electric .....) I notice some of the 'RTs' files are 4, 5, 6 and up to 10+ mins long as continuous riffs. In most cases it is apparent that they are several riffs strung together to make these long RTs. (As opposed to many short .wav files)Is there a 'recommended' length that would provide the greatest support for the user (variation, lack of instant repetition etc?) A Minimum Length and a Max. Length (For guitar)

2. The 'instructions above' mention to record 'along' with a SGU. Is this simply for reference or do I actually need to 'record' in BIAB? Can't I just take a 'Style" I am familiar with or import one into a DAW for instance, choose a base BPM and record the RTs'? Then create the folder and insert all of my newly created files into it?

3. I know what a .SGU file is, but what is a sgu/wav file as described above?

4. The main naming convention in the BIAB folder for guitars is (eg6156, eg6157 etc.) Are these relevant for BIAB or simply for PG music reference? Also each file has a BTO fill associated with it. Is it needed to create one of those?

Many thanks!