Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Bud and Janice !
This was very, very touching
and almost brought tears to my
eyes. I have worked in the public
sector most of my life and your
revelation made me think back
in time when I was still auditing
similar facilities !

Your tune was also very appropriate
and as touching as the story itself,
very sensitively sung by Janice !
Thank you both !


Thank you Dani. I spent 41 years at the same facility -- the last 10 were consulting only a few hours a week but still it was a long run. Glad you liked it!

Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Nice song. Well done as usual.

My mom and brother live in Staunton Va. There is an old mental hospital there which served the state for many years. It was closed and reopened for a time as a prison, and then closed again. It is still state property although the buildings have now been sold to a developer who is converting them to luxury condos. The old complex has a number of buildings and they have just completed the second building.

On the hill behind the institution, there is a graveyard exactly like you describe. The state didn't wish to spend much money on the people when they died so their head stones were made from Chestnut wood in the old days and concrete in more recent times. Neither concrete nor wood handle time well so all that remains now are some broken cement "stones" with rebar in them and all the wood headstones were rotted, knocked down by the tractors used to cut the grass, and now, only one old wooden plaque remains next to a concrete one at the very top of the hill near a tree. The lower part of the hill has the concrete markers and they are still there. The wooden ones are but a memory as, I would imagine, are the names of the people in the graves on that hillside.

Thanks Herb and I appreciate seeing those photos. I will mention that cemetery to some folks I know that are working on the national memorial. Given that they are focused on DC know the pictures you posted are definitely in the neighborhood. And, yes, I think that there are less than a dozen marble headstones of the 20,000 plus burials here. Sad. I've assisted a lot of descendants in locating the approximate location of a grave so they could put down a marker.

Originally Posted By: Danny C.
Very good song but an even better story and quest to keep memories and add dignity to some less fortunate souls.

Also in reading other members comments I find it interesting, but not surprising just how many in this crowd have already done or in some cases still doing work with and for the less fortunate.

The timing of the listen was spot on as I am in the midst of preparing my playlist for an annual Christmas party/dance benefit for the Washington Parish Activity here is South Louisiana.

Thanks for the tune and of course your personal efforts in regards to the city of graves.


Thank you Danny. Yep, it is interesting how many have been involved in similar fields. Hey, glad the timing was good!

Originally Posted By: RichMac
This touches me. The background, the accompaniment, the song, Janice's lovely singing, the news article and the photo's are all just right!

Hey, I'm glad it all came together for you. That's what I was hoping for. I appreciate it.

Originally Posted By: dcuny
It's already been said. A job well done, both with the song, and remembering the forgotten.

We appreciate your comments and taking the time to watch the vid...

Originally Posted By: Skyline
A very touching tale, sad but ultimately totally uplifting. Thanks for telling is about it. The song is just so appropriate and perfect.


Thanks John. From sad to uplifting was a long but very rewarding journey.