Leon, that would be a great tutorial. Redo what you did on a youtube video.

I don't really know a way around the copyright issue. Even if a tune is in the Public Domain, wouldn't that cause the administrators to have to research every tune to determine if it truly was copyright free.

It even get's complicated with public domain songs as artists will copyright their arrangement of a public domain tune. I know this has happened to House of the Rising Sun. Lot's of landmines and snakes in the grass out there.

I can't think of a solution, I would love to see what was done here and what you did as a tutorial video.


Some tunes from me and my collaborator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvGqM6ktMW5ltTnyit1KWPg/videos

Band-in-a-Box Ultrapak 2019, Windows 11, Reaper, Behringer u-phoria UMC404HD, Kali LP-8