
This is one of the BEST songs I've heard on this forum! Actually - anywhere - in a while...

Loved the studio chatter - and that was just the beginning... The whole thing had PRO written all over it. STELLAR mix! Sounds really good crank as LOUD as possible. Great choice of tracks - each of them.

BEAUTIFUL guitar work!

must have been my life just whizzing by <<< good line

Statins in the morning, Metformin after meals,
Shake me and I’m rattling like a train on square wheels.
But I’m still rockin’ and rollin’, that’s one thing the years can’t steal <<<<< terrific verse!!!

And with one foot in the groove <<< loved that!

They’ll find me by my amp with all the knobs turned to eleven <<< Yes!

MAN! this is GOOD!!!!

Over the top!
