Thanks everyone for the feedback, Scott I got the acoustic guitar sound by using a high pass filter at 80hz and then using a rhythn guitar preset from one of my 10 band eq's

Here are frequencies and the cut/boost

31hz= -12
63hz= -8
125hz= -3
250hz= -3
500hz= -4
1K= +5
2K= +5
4K= +8
8K= +2
16K +5

It makes the acoustic cut through as well as moves the low frequencies out of the way of the bass, drum and vocal. this preset may work well for some songs and not so much with others, really depends on the tone of the acoustic guitar. If it is a standard acoustic guitar sound this preset works well; if the tone is already lacking low frequencies this can be to much. Hope this helps!

My Tunes

Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.