
<...>What makes you think I feel differently? But just for the record if I were on a standing on a street corner and Notes was being attacked with the intent being his demise, I would not stand by without trying to stop his attacker. Come to think of it, it might just be "my" moral obligation to try to save Notes' life, but I won't know that until judgment day I guess.

And I would do the same for you and any other human being.

However, a fetus is a different story, especially in the first 3 months. The way I figure it is at that point it is a religious and moral decision, and it is not up to the government to tell anyone what to do. Furthermore, since I am a male, I have less to say about it than any female unless the fetus she was carrying is my own.

Scientists cannot determine the point of conception. Sometimes many sperm cells enter the egg and it takes the egg days to eject the ones it doesn't want. Even when one is left, it may take even more days than that before the sperm and the egg actually combine. And most eggs with sperm inside actually never adhere to the woman's womb resulting in natural abortions.

Our republic was founded on a separation of church and state. It was done so because the founding fathers were well aware of the abuses that had gone on in Europe due to the fact that church and state were combined. Separation of church and state actually protects religion, and allows everybody to practice the faith that they choose to (in most cases the faith of their parents).

Here is something I noticed about the anti-abortionists in a town close to mine.

There is a strip center with a woman's referral center in it. They refer women to all their health needs, including an abortion if necessary, but from what I understand and read in the papers, they only refer to abortionists as a last resort and they try to exhaust all other options first, including adoption.

On the other end of the shopping center is an armed forces recruiting center. These people are taking young men and women who have mothers, fathers, and in many cases wives, husbands and/or children and they are sending them to Iraq. Keep in mind that our former president, in the name of Jesus (the Prince Of Peace) broke one commandment by bearing false witness against his neighbor (WMDs - any stooge knew Iraq didn't have them) and then sent our troops over there to die and to kill another 100,000 non military Iraq citizens (breaking another commandment - where is he going to go on judgment day?)

Who are the people picketing every day for years now? The woman's referral office. The people who sometimes refer women to abort a less than 3 month old fetus and refer more to adoption than they do to abortion. The organization that is killing adults every day is not being picketed.

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing but the utmost respect for our men and women in the armed forces, and my daughter is serving in the Air Force. These people are carrying out the wishes of our government and in most cases at the best of their ability, just like they should. I do not always agree with what our government asks them to do however.

But the point is, why picket the woman's referral office when at the other end of the shopping center adults are being murdered every day?

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Except for the fact that war is very profitable for the Federal Reserve Bank and a few of the military contractors, most of which either own or are supporters of the mass media.

At least that's my guess.

And back on the issue of socialized medicine, here is a chart from the US government.

This is the only statistic I need to see that socialized medicine is not the big bug-a-boo that Fox, Limbaugh and other corporate controlled medial outlets say it is. These people make up the majority of our population with the exception of Africans and Hispanics, and Cuba has plenty of them, they have socialized medicine, and they also have a longer life expectancy.

As a moderate, I think some things should be socialized and others should be free market (with controls to prevent cartels and monopolies). School, police, fire, military, and medicine are the 5 that I think should be socialized. Four out of 5 are already socialized. If the people in industrialized countries were paying a penalty for socialized medicine, I'd be against it, but they are living longer so they must be doing something right.

Back to the bail-out - which started as a joke. I don't think the banks, insurance companies, or automobile companies should have been bailed out. It actually would have taken less money to bail out the workers. But the way I see it, the people elect our governors and our governors are puppets of the oligarchy - the multi-national corporations.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks