Hi, Floyd !:))

Thank you so much for your kind and constructive
reply !:))

The idea really came from RichMac ! (lol) !
You are all too kind with me in your
evaluation. You are perfectly right that
the mix could have been much better. Part
of the problem was that I wanted to have
the synth in the background and that it
adds to the overpowering backing sound as
the style in itself was very funky indeed ! (lol) !:))
You are way too kind regarding the vocals
too hiding my shortcomings in the overall
buzzy sound ! :)) 5 th dimension ! That superb
vocal group has been and still is one of my
all time vocal group favorites ! ( Singers
Unlimited and 4 Freshmen are some other of
my favorites) :))

...and Floyd, my friend, I did make a version without the pad ! (lol):))


Last edited by dani48; 05/08/14 03:03 AM.