Hello everyone,
This might be a nice tip for those who want a good free alternative for BiaB's built in Coyote Synth.
You can download the Magic Soundfont (which gives a very full and natural sound) for free here:


You can load the soundfont with the following 2 programs.
Windows 8: Coolsoft virtual synth.

Windows 7:

We use this soundfont a lot, for instance in our song London Town.
The soundfont can easily be edited and improved with other seperate soundfonts on the internet.
You can use the programm Viena for this, you can download this one and other interesting programms here:

There is a downside though,if you want to export midi tracks in BiaB, the only way to do this is using the Coyote Synth.
To export the arrangement as WAV using the Magic Soundfont you will need a different method.
You will need to record the arrangement in real time with a programm such as Soundtap (not free).

We hope this might be helpful,
Rob & Anne-Marie

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.
