I saw the changes coming, realized there was nothing I could do to turn it around, and so I found niche markets that were under served and didn't lend themselves well to the cookie cutter mass marketing approach. As a result, I'm still in business 23 years later.....and still making a very comfortable living

Herb, this is an excellent summary of the discussion.

Change happens.

Those who don't adapt lose out

Even those who adapt must adapt intelligently, because change takes time and money, and unless you're changing in the right ways you can improve yourself right out of business.

Change continues to happen

Yesterdays adaptation may not get you to retirement. As the paradigm changes, the adaptation also needs to "follow the buffalo"

What worked yesterday probably won't work today, and what what works today probably won't work tomorrow.

I think one advantage of a forum like this is that it brings together many perspectives from all over the world so we can get a better overview of the business climate, and form more realistic adaptation strategies based on what has stopped working, what is still working (but at a reduced state of effectiveness) and what seems to be working in new ways than before