Who makes this happen? Copyright laws written by congress.

Yes.... music is not free. It's intellectual property and is owned by someone (unless in the public domain) and to use it requires that someone pay the cost.

I played in a house band at a club for 2.5 years. There was an ASCAP sticker on the door. I recall one time the ASCAP rep came around and did a survey of the songs on the jukebox since it was owned by the club owner and not a leased jukebox. In addition, he wanted our set lists for as far back as we had them.

As far as what Pat said in the OP.... about the club owner telling the band to play only original material..... that sounds a bit odd. Really, how many bands out there are 100% original and playing boomer clubs? I'm thinking maybe the ASCAP guy just happened to walk in the door and the club owner had told him previously that he only used original bands to avoid paying the license.

Like 90db said, they have a formula that they apply to every single place they license..... clubs of varying size and genre, restaurants, even the oil change store and the doctor's office are subject to their jurisdiction.

As songwriters, the ASCAP and BMI folks are on our side of this issue. I have no problem with them collecting the license fees. Maybe one day they will be collecting on my behalf.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.