Peter Gannon, O.K., here is the deal: In the chord mode, (Right click on any bar), choose bar settings, select the chorus if using more than one, make a change, as in [Mute, Back to normal, Change by - or +, Fade(per bar),Louder(per bar). Now ,after all of the changes are made, or any time from start to finish, all of the above information is immediately available by (right clicking any bar/bar settings/print report. Beginning in 2013 it worked and was one of the best features offered to some one using BIAB to create and or copy or download pre-arranged files, as I do. Bless you. With all of the improvements made in the 2014 version (and there were many), this feature shows some of the changes, but not the bar numbers. So shame on you. The (Access Violations) would be for me, the biggest problem encountered since my first purchase in 2010.5 Everything pak. But that is another story. Otherwise, it is what it is.-----Leon