They can work but you have to play around with the plugin/VSTi so its timing matches RBs.

This is why I offered the Music Calculator app I wrote a while back.
Makes these type of exact calculations real easy.
It can be pretty handy, especially in conjunction with ACW (to find the tempo if needed).

Basically it converts tempo, resolution and milliseconds to other needed values.

For instance if the VST allows inputting a value in mS you can put in the tempo and find how many mS to each 1/4 or 1/8 note. This helps with some delays etc.

Or you can find a tempo that is '/thousandths' of a rounded tempo going the other way. Like a tempo of 120.2242 .. yes RB allows inputting that, so you can get pretty exact with a little effort and the <trademark>rharv Music Calculator</trademark>.
Maybe I should call it a studio calculator; that describes it a little better.
Back to the marketing department .. they should have thought of this!

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome