Originally Posted By: Lawrie
Let's come back on topic - Autotune to improve sales, loudness wars to improve sales - THEY are both about business, NOT art - I prefer my music to be artistic thank you very much.

if ya wanna divide music into art and business we probably agree that on the business side you have to do whatever you have to do if you are hoping for a shot at the gold ring!

but, art is even way, way more slippery. you will not find any sort of consensus at all on "what is art?".

so I would say, again, whether you are doing it for business or art, do whatever you like!

if you want a top 10 hit then you better get comfortable with AT (and BTW, hate to pop your bubble but you almost certainly are NOT going to see even a top 1000 hit regardless! and to be clear, I am talking to the universal "you"!)

on the art side ya just gotta know what is expected. plenty of art judges are looking for perfect pitch and if you are competing in that arena ya better have it! there are also lost of artistic challenges where it is about the whole performance and less about perfect anything.