there have been some really top notch songs posted to the user showcase in the past few weeks, but for sheer "WHOAH! THAT WAS FUN!" impact, I don't think any of them came close to this!!

I loved every aspect of it... I even laughed out loud when the sax player started lying on his back... exactly what you'd expect from the imaginary person singing the song.

Right from the beginning it reminded me of Tom Petty's "INTO THE GREAT WIDE OPEN"

How did you make that video??? That was AWESOME!! I liked it so much I want to make that exact same video and apply to a different song!

And apart from the clever video, the song itself really ROCKED! I tapped my foot from start to finish! (but the video really did add a lot)

Final summary, this project reinforced what I already suspected: "Rog.. you ain't right!" LOL! (just the way we like ya!)
You are a very creative and intelligent man,and it shows in everything you do. Thanks for posting!


"A Rebel Without A Clue"