Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi Herb,

As the others before me have already said, there is a great deal of detail in these images. It's good to hear song in waltz time. I liked it.

I mention the following because you asked for comments. One thing that popped into my mind as I listened was that, on my system, the mix had a great deal of high-end EQ. Because of this, the piano (in particular) sounded a little thin at times.

It's a great ending you devised for this one.

Overall, I enjoyed the ride!


Noel, thanks for listening.... I will have to look into the EQ on the high end.

In writing this, I normally opt for 4/4 but the groove didn't work in that so I switched to 3/4...I hate calling it waltz time because so much 3/4 isn't a waltz. 6/8 also has a similar groove. I added an extra measure to every verse and chorus in the song to keep the laid back feel.

As I mentioned previously, I like to paint mental pictures in the minds of the listeners..... where you can see the paint on the window frames, and the weeks in the cracks on the sidewalks.....

Again.... thanks for listening.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.