Originally Posted By: Larry Kehl
But also if you want to roll back an update, read that FAQ about updates, it sure sounds like you need a connection WEB based to do that and then another one to roll it forward again . Like the updates sit on site but you don't really download it - THEY APPLY it.
Subtle difference for sure between you downloading it and then applying it (or re-apply, re-re-apply) and them doing it FOR you ()you never physically have the update) means a small ether-thread always back to CW may be needed for some users.

That occurred to me after I'd posted.
Plus, what IF the Cake site has issues?
Is one totally SOL to use the program....maybe I'm over thinking it but as I'd also commented if I wanted the program I'd pay all up front anyway.
This new option would never be a choice for me.

Back at it....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 01/14/15 03:17 PM.