Now it's time to reveal some secrets about this Kollaboration. Yes, that's with a K, as in Keystone Kops Kollaboration.

The start: Dani proposes this great tune but I hate the BIAB accompaniment so much that I offer to completely reconstruct the accompaniment, which I do.

The middle: I go completely berserk and create an entirely new tune. Dani doesn't like it, which is entirely reasonable. It isn't his tune anymore. I give Dani all the tracks and we both walk away from it. Sometimes collaborations don't pan out. No big deal.

The Keystone Kops: During all this time, I think that it's water under the bridge. I am unaware that Pat Marr is collaborating with Dani on the very same tune, which is still quite alive! Dani sends an email asking if he can still use the guitar solo and I say, Sure!

The impossible: So I'm thinking, Dani has this BIAB accompaniment and my solo in 5/4. Like any jazz soloist, I'm always way ahead of, or way behind the beat. Listening to that solo alone, you could never tell if it was in 3/4, 5/4 or pi/4. I don't know how he did it, but Dani managed to align that solo right on the money.

And this last feat is what I want to compliment Dani on. And, to top it off, the tune becomes a big Forum hit! I want to thank Pat and Dani for not giving up.

And of course, under the circumstances, mixing, mastering and production issues had to go by the wayside. Think "The Keystone Kops Visit the Recording Studio" ... could be a pretty scary movie.
