Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Floyd, how could it be that you aren't all over the radio yet? I'll tell ya who makes it look easy.. YOU DO! You pop these radio ready hits out like toast!

And I guess its because you understand the "rules" so you can recreate different manifestations of them over and over... the interesting thing is that your songs don't sound like cookie cutter knockoffs... they may all have every element a good country song needs... but you make them all sound unique and interesting.

One of the things I liked about this one is the fact that "you make it look easy" is usually a compliment... but in the song's context, if it is a compliment at all, it's a back handed one. Interesting spin that engaged my cognitive dissonance and got me interested.

This might be my last commentary on your songs Floyd... you're in a class by yourself here. Most of the song writers seek objective analysis in order to hear their song through new ears... for most people that's a necessary part of getting a grip on the craft.

But there is no observation I can make about your songs that you don't already know. I actually feel foolish trying to say something that adds a perspective you haven't already considered. I'll continue to check in so you know I listened and enjoyed your songs... but you are confident enough that you don't need encouragement, smart enough that you don't need analysis and busy enough that you don't need to spend time reading my long dissertations anyway. wink

But even in the absence of new kudos, rest assured that I am (and will continue to be) blown away by each project you post here.

Pat - I certainly appreciate all the kind words. I would be greatly disappointed if I did not get the pleasure of reading your thoughts on what I post. I like that you have suggested different ways of doing things here and there. And I enjoy the discussion that come out of that... there is every chance that you will find an angle that I had not considered... and I am quite open to new thoughts and ideas... So, as Glen used to say "I'll leave the dogs tied up and the latch string out..."

Originally Posted By: Joe Ramsay
Late on the scene here, so I can't really add anything that hasn't already been said, except a ton of admiration for your command of the multiple layers of inspiration, lyric-writing, music-writing, arranging, vocals, real guitar playing (sometimes), mixing and mastering. And you are able to create such a live studio sound with your choices and technical mastery of instrument mixes, shots, holds, etc. Lot's to learn from you bro'.

I am using BIAB on a MacBook and GarageBand for mixing, so I am not sure what you mean when you say you added BIABetts to the vocal mix. I do recall in RealBand on the Windows platform there was a feature to modulate your own voice into harmony parts, but RealBand isn't available on the Mac.

Anyway ... great song, great production, and like just about everybody here, I am a bit fan of the Eagles, and intentionally or unintentionally, you nailed that early Eagle's groove with multiple guitar tracks (Hotel California has 12 I believe) and those great vocal harmonies. Thanks!

Joe - I appreciate all that. The "BIABettes" are, in fact, a Windows thing - 4 part harmony created in RealBand using the BIAB SGU and the TC Helicon harmonizer plugin that comes with BIAB... It might be possible to use it in BIAB, but I have not tried that (so I don't know how it works there). Thanks for dropping in for a listen....

Originally Posted By: Earl G.

One of the first songs I listened to on the forum. This is top notch quality, hit potential, vocal, lyrics, etc. You set a high bar.

Earl - good of you to come around for a listen - appreciate that...thanks