Hello my friends,

This is a song, dedicated to my lovely wife Rita, who 4 years ago, went sailing across the heavens. Always here!

No vocals in this one, just echoes of Rita... and my nylon guitar

This time with a video, couldn't resist :-) Youtube

... or on Soundcloud

Titel: Song for Rita1
Bestand:Song for Rita2.MGU
Toonsoort=C , Tempo 75, Lengte (m:s)=3:50

Stijl is _PBALADS.STY (Langzame PopBal met Dreamy ElGt 65RS)
MelodieGebruikers Synth is Hi-Q 049 01 Strings, Ensemble, Chamber SampleTank.tgs

RealTracks in stijl: 366:BasEl,Country Gel65
RealTracks in stijl: ~364:GitaarAk,Fingerpick Gel65
RealTracks in song: 2327:Koto,Synth,NewAge Gel110
RealTracks in song: 2462:Piano NewAgeAnswers Ev16 110
RealTracks in song: ~369:PedalSteel,Bckg,Cntry,Gel65
RealDrums in Song: BossaBrushes: a: Sidestick Brushes b: Sidestick, Ride